Welcome to the world of Little Katie Lou! We'll start the introduction off by saying that this blog is run by two friends, Jenelle & Lara. Between us we've got 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 little girl. Jenelle's got Christopher (3 years old) and Lara's got Peter (3 1/2 years old) and Katie (1 1/2 years old). Since Jenelle is obsessed with little girls clothes and can't wait for a girl of her own someday, Lara has generously offered up her adorable little Katie for fashion experiments. For this Katie gets hand-me-up clothing (since Jenelle can't seem to keep from buying little girls clothes for the future) and not just 1, but 2 stylists! And we also firmly believe in hand-me-downs.
We are both stay at home moms with our own little side businesses. In addition to those, Lara just so happens to work for Janie and Jack and Jenelle just so happens to shop at Janie and Jake... a lot more since Lara started working there.
Unfortunately (for Jenelle, because Lara doesn't seem to care) Katie HATES having things in her hair. And by hate I mean, we're lucky if she'll keep something in for 30 seconds. Although, sometimes a distraction works if we can get it to her fast enough and can get her to forget that she's got pigtails or a bow. But she's been known to cry, so this is the fair warning that her adorable curls might not always be tamed.
So welcome to the world of little Katie Lou and her adorable (so we think) clothes!

Here's little Katie Lou with her two boys, Christopher on the left and Peter on the right.