Well, sort of.
Every few minutes the bedroom door would swing open and hit the wall and either Peter or Katie would come running in and yell "Mommy! Mommy!" and crawl onto the bed.
Peter would tell me some random fact about whatever Star Wars action figure he was holding and then run back out. Katie would pretend she wanted to snuggle and go back to sleep. And just when I closed my eyes and drifted back into dreamland, she would say in her teeny voice "tickle tickle!" One time she started singing a lullaby. Only, she doesn't know that a lullaby should be sung sweetly and quietly. She yelled it.
I am really going to miss these days as they continue to get older and more independent, so I don't mind the constant interruptions to my restful sleep.
I love this picture of Katie in her peach sweatshirt from our wonderful friend Kristine. She looks about five there to me. I still think of her like this: