Monday, June 13, 2011

Next Stop: Preschool.

This has been a pretty rough couple of weeks for me as I realize my first born is finished with preschool. Katie's big brother, Peter, attended Miss Kelly's, then Miss Anita's class for the last two years. It has been such a wonderful
experience walking him to school each day, working in the classroom once a week. I didn't realize how much I was going to miss it, but it's hit me hard that Peter's really growing up.
(The picture to the left is the first day of preschool.)

Now, as Peter moves onto Kindergarten in the Fall, Katie is more than ready for Miss Kelly's class herself. She was already playing the part of a preschool student anyway. Each day as we left for school, she would casually look back from the front door and ask: "Mommy, is it my 'share' day?" Peter rolled his eyes as I would put my finger to my lips and each time reply: "No, Sweetie, I think it's tomorrow." She always seemed happy with my answer and never argued.

Summer has only just begun. I have three full months to enjoy my little ones, but I already look forward to my days of helping out in Katie's class, being a part of her preschool experience. And though I'm going to miss my precious time with Peter, I know this will be just as wonderful. I know she's really eager to be a big kid like her brother. Now if I can just figure out a way to slow it all down.

Friday, May 27, 2011

I Already Danced

When Katie turned 3, I was excited to start her in some kind of dance class. I figured she would love it and would be beyond eager to get to class each week. That just didn't happen.

The first class we tried she jumped right in and I figured that was that. I was snapping photos, already imagining the story of her first class that I was going to write about in her baby book. Years later, when she became a prima ballerina, she could look back at the first day and smile. Fifteen minutes in she was ready to leave.

The rest of the week I spoke about ballet class, hoping she would have changed her mind. I suggested maybe we try again the next week. Her response was "I already danced." She didn't want to talk about it anymore. I think I may have been too eager. She smelled my desperation.

Recently I heard about a new dance school opening up around the corner. I decided to play it cool. I mentioned that there was a "Princess Party" going on nearby and would she like to go check it out. She was on board! I was very careful not to mention the words "dance" or "class" or make a big deal of it.

On the day of the "Princess Party" she was excited to go. I have to say I was getting a little nervous when she started talking about the cake at the party. Somehow she forgot about it though and had a wonderful time -- dancing and twirling, playing with wands and waving scarves, she did it all. By the time it was over, a whole hour later, she was hooked. I signed her up and then kept quiet until the next week.

Now, a month later, she stands waiting at the door in her fancy clothes, ready for the little outing that is all for her. And she loves it. She even calls it dance class now, at which I just smile and keep my mouth shut.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Thank You for My Date

If there's one thing that Katie loves, it's going on a date with her Baba. Once she hears that there's a date in the works she can talk about nothing but.

A few weeks ago, her Baba took her to the bookstore and to frozen yogurt on their big date. Katie actually let me brush her hair and put a barrett in it, which she only does on very special occasions. She was very excited and waited by the door to go.

When they returned home, Katie talked about her date for the rest of the day. As she drifted off to sleep, the last thing she said was: "Thank you for my date."

For days after the date, she would tell anyone who would listen that she went on a date with her Baba. It warmed my heart that she couldn't stop talking about it. Sometimes, out of the blue, she would call out across the house or say, as he was leaving for work: "Thank you for my date, Baba." She even thanked me a couple of times for taking Peter on a date so they could go on their date.

Now, weeks later, the 'thank yous' are dwindling. That can only mean one thing. It must be time for another date...