experience walking him to school each day, working in the classroom once a week. I didn't realize how much I was going to miss it, but it's hit me hard that Peter's really growing up.
(The picture to the left is the first day of preschool.)
Now, as Peter moves onto Kindergarten in the Fall, Katie is more than ready for Miss Kelly's class herself. She was already playing the part of a preschool student anyway. Each day as we left for school, she would casually look back from the front door and ask: "Mommy, is it my 'share' day?" Peter rolled his eyes as I would put my finger to my lips and each time reply: "No, Sweetie, I think it's tomorrow." She always seemed happy with my answer and never argued.
Summer has only just begun. I have three full months to enjoy my little ones, but I already look forward to my days of helping out in Katie's class, being a part of her preschool experience. And though I'm going to miss my precious time with Peter, I know this will be just as wonderful. I know she's really eager to be a big kid like her brother. Now if I can just figure out a way to slow it all down. 

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